Fullerton College Professor Takes California’s ACTE Top Honor College News
March 22, 2019
On March 5th, Fullerton College Biology Professor Dr. Jo
Wen Wu was honored by the Association for Career and Technical Education (ACTE)
as the 2018-2019 California ACTE Post-Secondary Teacher of the Year, during the
organization’s Educating for Careers conference in Sacramento.
Every year, ACTE’s “Excellence Awards” are given at the state,
regional, and national level to honor recognize excellence and dedication
within the field of career and technical education. Wu’s accomplishment means
she will now advance to the regional awards, which will be announced in April.
No stranger to educational honors, Wu’s CV reads like a reference
list of teaching awards. In 2013, she was added to the UC Irvine Educator Wall
of Fame and that same year won Fullerton College’s Club Advisor of the Year
Award. In 2017, she received the California Hayward Award for Excellence in
Education and the Orange County Science and Engineering Fair Educator of the
Year Award. She’s also been selected — not once, but twice — for Teacher of the Year honors at Fullerton College.
Despite her many accomplishments, this new accolade is special.
“This award makes me proud because this is for career and technical
education,” says Wu. “It is different for me because I have been trying to
promote careers in biotech for students for so long. It’s nice to know it is
kind of working.”
As Wu’s students would attest, “kind of” is a significant
A first-generation immigrant, Wu arrived in the United States from
Taiwan after her father, who was studying engineering at Kansas State University,
was targeted by the Chinese government. Anti-governmental protests by certain
U.S. chapters of a Taiwanese student club had led to the Chinese government
“blacklisting” all of the club’s chapter presidents. It was only through the
help of a U.S. Senator that Wu, her mother and brother were allowed to seek
political asylum and join her father in Missouri.
There, Wu’s lack of English language skills, coupled with the fact
that she was doing math at a sixth-grade level, led to much confusion over what
classes she should be placed in. An independent course of study was settled
upon, which suited Wu just fine. It would give her the freedom to develop an
abiding love for science fairs and, once her English was good enough, give her
the time to read all of the books in the children’s section at the local
library. That’s right… all of them.
In high school, the precocious Wu met Dr. Ernestine Long, a mentor
who would have a profound impact on her life.
Long, one of the first, female chemistry Ph.D.s to teach in
Missouri, had developed an assessment for identifying female students who
showed potential in the sciences.
“I was invited to be a part of one of her summer research programs,”
says Wu. “My friend and I visited her frequently through the next two years,
and she really mentored us. She really encouraged me, pushed me and wanted to
make sure I went to college.”
Wu eventually did, securing a full-ride scholarship to the
University of Missouri at Columbia.
“Even though my mom was bright, she was barely allowed to finish
high school,” says Wu. “So she couldn’t really show me the way. My parents were
supportive about my aiming for university but did not discuss how to pay for
education. I was lucky to have full-ride scholarships for both my Bachelor and
Doctoral degrees.”
Today, Wu’s unique background has had a significant impact on the
way she teaches. She is keenly aware of the challenges facing female, ESL and
minority students, and firmly committed to mentoring students of all
backgrounds who are interested in the sciences.
“I love knowing that I’m helping students learn something that is
practical. Something that will help them get a job or start a future career,”
says Wu. “They’re like I was. They just need someone to show them which way to
go and how to get there.”
For Wu, the “way to go” is biotechnology and life science.
One of her many contributions to the field is the Orange County
Biotech Education Partnership, which connected with industry advisors to
develop a stackable, biotech certificate and degree pathway that is now being
offered at Fullerton, Irvine Valley, Santa Ana, and Santiago Canyon Colleges. Depending
on the school, these programs can lead to occupation-based certificates in
Biomanufacturing Technician, Lab Assistant Skills, Laboratory Technician and an
AA in Biotechnology. Students can then
transfer to Bachelors degree programs at two community colleges, as well as
multiple programs at CSU, UC and private universities.
“Students need to know that there are many jobs that are satisfying
and fulfilling and that can make you a great living if you love science,” says
Despite her deep investment in the success of her students, Wu is
not an “easy A.” While she is an entertaining lecturer who integrates “toy”
models into her lectures to convey complicated concepts, she also demands a lot
from her students. For example, every student is called on several times in
every class to answer direct questions about the material being covered.
“They’re totally intimidated the first week, but by the end of the
class they understand why I do it,” says Wu. “They can’t hide in my class and
that’s important because no matter what they go on to do, they have to be able
to express themselves, communicate their ideas, and think on their feet.”
Inspired by her own early love of science fairs, Wu also started a
summer science camp, which over the last seven years has offered 35 week-long sessions
for middle- and high-schoolers. In addition to giving students hands-on
experience in a college lab setting, the camps also provide an entire year of
mentorship to younger students.
“I brought in my Fullerton students to serve as TAs and mentors,”
say Wu. “Many of the camp students are first generation, so now they have had a
chance to visit a college and meet someone who they can ask questions and who
might become a role model for them.”
As for the future, Wu is excited about expanding a regional, high
school, dual-enrollment program in biotechnology which will begin accepting
students from 7 high schools next year. She is also looking forward to the
possibility of moving the Biotechnology department, which has 850 current
enrollments, into a new space at Fullerton College in the next decade.
The key to her teaching success? You might be expecting something
highly scientific and technical, but you’d be wrong. For Wu, you don’t need any
fancy equipment to know what makes a good teacher.
“Having a passion for your subject matter and enthusiasm for
students,” says Wu. “That’s about all you need.”