Orange County Community College COVID-19/Coronavirus Resource Page Feature Story
March 19, 2020
This is an extremely fluid situation and information is changing daily. We will update this page as new resources become available.
Orange County’s community colleges are closely monitoring the latest developments surrounding the current coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak. As always, our primary concern is the well-being of our students, faculty, and staff.
The below list collects the most credible and relevant news resources for Orange County community college students, faculty, and staff and is broken into the following categories:
- General Health Information
- Key California Resources (including the CA Chancellor’s Office’s weekly coronavirus webinar link)
- OC Community College Homepages & Coronavirus Update Pages
- Other California Resource Pages
Health Information (as provided by the CDC)
Things You Should Know
Coronavirus Updates
Health Agencies
Protect Yourself & Family
Key California Resources
California Coronavirus Response Page
A dedicated page for all of the latest coronavirus developments at the state level.
California Community Colleges Chancellor’s Office
A very comprehensive list of available resources and information regarding the latest COVID-19 developments.
Moving forward, the Chancellor’s Office will host weekly webinars every Wednesday from 9:00-10:00 a.m. until further notice. We want to encourage you to join the webinar and share this information with others. This webinar will be recorded and available following the event.
- Please click this link join the webinar.
- By iPhone one-tap: US: +16699006833, 772739792# or +13462487799, 772739792#
- By Telephone: (For higher quality, dial a number based on your current location) US: +1 669 900 6833 or +1 346 248 7799 or +1 253 215 8782 or +1 301 715 8592 or +1 312 626 6799 or +1 646 876 9923
- Webinar ID: 772 739 792
- International numbers available are also available at this link
California Association of Public Information Officials (CAPIO)
A comprehensive list of the latest California resources such as fact sheets, videos, infographics, and more.
Orange County Community College COVID-19 Update Pages
Coastline College
Cypress College
Fullerton College
Golden West College
Irvine Valley College
North Orange Continuing Education
Orange Coast College
Saddleback College
Santa Ana College
Santiago Canyon College
Key Federal Resources
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
This site has the most up-to-date federal guidelines and data
Fact Sheet: What to Do if You Are Sick
Fact Sheet: How to Stop the Spread of Viruses like COVID-19
US Department of Education
Guidance for Schools and Childcare Settings
Readiness and Emergency Management for Schools Technical Assistance Center
Interim Guidance for Administrators of US Institutions of Higher Education
Federal Student Aid – Coronavirus Announcement
Other California Resources
California Department of Public Health COVID-19 Resource Page
This page has the most up-to-date and official State of California information, cases, data, tips and more.
California Department of Public Health
Direct link to the latest news releases
Governor’s Office of Emergency Services (Cal OES)
League of CA Cities